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Using PyPythia

This library can be used in two ways: either directly as command line tool, or the prediction can be called from other python code.

Command Line Interface

If you only want to predict the difficulty for a single MSA, you can query the predictor using the command line interface, for example like this:

pythia --msa examples/example.phy --raxmlng /path/to/raxml-ng

Note that when you installed PyPythia using conda, you will have to download the example.phy and adjust the path accordingly.

The output will be something like The predicted difficulty for MSA examples/example.phy is: 0.02., telling us that example.phy is an easy dataset. In fact, this dataset exhibits a single likelihood peak. Depending on the predictor version you are using, the actual value might slightly differ. This is expected and nothing to worry about 🙂

Note that Pythia can also handle FASTA input files, see section Input Data below.

The following options are available:

PyPythia version 2.0.0 released by The Exelixis Lab
Developed by: Julia Haag
Latest version:
Questions/problems/suggestions? Please open an issue on GitHub.

usage: pythia [-h] -m MSA -r RAXMLNG [-t THREADS] [-s SEED] [-p PREFIX]
              [--predictor PREDICTOR] [-prec PRECISION] [-sT] [--forceDuplicates]
              [--forceFullGaps] [--shap] [-v]

Parser for Pythia command line options.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MSA, --msa MSA     Multiple Sequence Alignment to predict the difficulty for.
                        Must be in either phylip or fasta format.
  -r RAXMLNG, --raxmlng RAXMLNG
                        Path to the binary of RAxML-NG. For install instructions
                        see 'raxml-
                        ng' if in $PATH, otherwise this option is mandatory).
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads to use for parallel parsimony tree
                        inference (default: RAxML-NG autoconfig).
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Seed for the RAxML-NG parsimony tree inference (default:
  -p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Prefix of the PyPythia log and result file (default: MSA
                        file name).
  --predictor PREDICTOR
                        Filepath of the alternative predictor to use (default:
                        latest Pythia).
  -prec PRECISION, --precision PRECISION
                        Set the number of decimals the difficulty should be rounded
                        to (default: 2).
  -sT, --storeTrees     If set, stores the parsimony trees as
                        '{prefix}.pythia.trees' file (default: False).
  --forceDuplicates     Per default, Pythia refuses to predict the difficulty for
                        MSAs containing duplicate sequences. Only set this option
                        if you are absolutely sure that you want to predict the
                        difficulty for this MSA (default: False).
  --forceFullGaps       Per default, Pythia refuses to predict the difficulty for
                        MSAs containing sequences with only gaps. Only set this
                        option if you are absolutely sure that you want to predict
                        the difficulty for this MSA (default: False).
  --shap                If set, computes the shapley values of the prediction as
                        waterfall plot in '{prefix}.shap.pdf'. When using this
                        option, make sure you understand what shapley values are
                        and how to interpret this plot.For details on shapley
                        values refer to the wiki:
                        values (default: False).
  -v, --verbose         If set, additionally prints the MSA features (default:

From Code

You can also use the library as a regular python library by installing it in your current environment. The following code snippet shows how to predict the difficulty for an MSA using PyPythia:

from pypythia.prediction import predict_difficulty
import pathlib

msa = pathlib.Path("examples/example.phy")
difficulty = predict_difficulty(msa)
print(f"The predicted difficulty for MSA {msa} is: {round(difficulty, 2)}.")

And the output will be the same as for the CLI: The predicted difficulty for MSA examples/example.phy is: 0.02..

If you want to get all features, or do more specific analyses of your MSA, see the API Reference for further details on all available classes and methods.

Input data

Supported file types

The input for Pythia is an MSA file in either Phylip or FASTA format.

Supported data types

Pythia supports DNA, AA, and morphological data.

Please note that by morphological data we refer to biological data. According to our analyses, the attributes of biological morphological data are similar to the attributes of DNA and AA data. However, when analyzing language data (cognate, sound-class, and morphosyntactic data) we observed substantially distinct attributes and concluded that morphological language data is not comparable to DNA, AA, or biological morphological data. Thus, at the moment Pythia is not able to reliably predict the difficulty for language alignments.

Taxon names

Make sure that the MSA only contains RAxML-NG compatible taxon names. In particular, taxon labels with spaces, tabs, newlines, commas, colons, semicolons and parenthesis are invalid.

MSAs with duplicate sequences

Pythia refuses to predict the difficulty for MSAs containing duplicate sequences or MSAs containing sequences containing only gaps. As of version 2.0.0, Pythia removes duplicates and full-gap sequences per default and predicts the difficulty for this reduced MSA. If you absolutely want to predict the difficulty for the original MSA, set the command line flags --forceDuplicates and --forceFullGaps.

As of version 1.0.0 Pythia refuses to predict the difficulty for MSAs containing multiple exactly identical sequences (duplicate sequences). The reason for this is that duplicate sequences can have a substantial impact on the resulting topologies during the maximum parsimony tree inference and therefore on the topological distance measures.

If you set the command line option --removeDuplicates, Pythia will create a reduced alignment with all duplicates removed and predict the difficulty for this reduced alignment. For duplicate sequences, the first occurrence of the sequence is kept. WARNING: The resulting predicted difficulty is only applicable to the reduced MSA! We recommend to only use the created reduced alignment for your subsequent analyses.


To continuously and automatically improve the prediction accuracy of Pythia, we regularly extend the training data set and subsequently retrain the predictor. We extend the training data using the anonymized MSAs that we continuously obtain during our RAxML Grove database updates. Note that these MSAs are only available internally in RAxML Grove and are not publicly available. As per default, PyPythia uses the lastest predictor predictors/latest.pckl. Older versions of the trained predictors are available in the predictors directory and can be passed to Pythia (see Usage instructions above). All predictors of versions >= 1.0.0 are trained using DNA, AA, and morphological MSAs.

Note that the predictions for the same MSA can be different when using different versions of Pythia.

Shapley Values

As of version 1.1.0, Pythia includes an option to plot Shapley values for a prediction. The interpretation of Shapley values is not straight-forward and we emphasize the importance of learning about these values before drawing conclusions based on the resulting plot! We provide the Shapley values as waterfall plot. In the following, we briefly describe what Shapley values are, what a waterfall plot is, and how you can interpret this plot. It is important to note that Shapley values are not the same as feature importances. Predicting the difficulty of two distinct MSAs will lead to two distinct waterfall plots.

Shapley Values

Based on the training data, our difficulty predictor Pythia has learned a base line difficulty. This base line difficulty is the expected value for every new prediction. Starting off this base line, Pythia adjusts its prediction using the features of the MSA. To determine how much each feature contributes to this change, ultimately leading to the final prediction is estimated by Shapley values. Since Pythia is a tree-based regressor, computing the Shapley values requires some advanced mathematics that I won't go into detail about here. If you are interested in this check out the links in the More Details section below. Due to the calculation of Shapley values, the value for one feature is NOT the difference in prediction when removing this feature. The Shapley value for one feature can only be interpreted considering all feature values together for a specific set of feature values.

Waterfall plot

The following figure shows an exemplary waterfall plot output for the MSA example/ and Pythia version 1.1.0.

The x-axis depicts the difficulty and the y-axis the features alongside the respective feature value. The features are sorted by their Shapley value with the highest contribution on top. You can read the plot as follows. The base line difficulty that Pythia v1.1.0 learned is 0.35, as indicated by the E[f(x)] = 0.35 on the x-axis. The proportion_invariant feature contributed to the overall prediction with a shift towards 1.0 (more difficult) of 0.01, so in combination with the other features, a proportion_invariant of 0.341 indicates that the MSA is slightly more difficult than the average difficulty in the training set. We emphasize that the combination with the other features part, since the same value for proportion_invariant with a different MSA and different feature values for the remaining features might lead to a substantially different contribution to the overall prediction. The feature with the highest impact for this example is the patterns-over-taxa ratio (num_patterns/num_taxa). The overall contribution is 0.23 towards 0.0, meaning it shifts the overall prediction towards easy.

More Details

For further information please refer to this great book on interpretable ML, the documentation of the shap package, especially their notes on the interpretability of Shapley values.